Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services approved a new Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) Code Q4256 for MLG-COMPLETE™ for Samaritan Biologics effective April 1, 2022.

CMS issuing this code simplifies the reimbursement process for physicians making it easier to utilize our membranes in different care settings.

MLG-COMPLETE™ wound care graft is a full thickness perinatal tissue membrane that serves as a barrier and provides protective coverage from the surrounding environment for acute and chronic wounds. MLG-COMPLETE™ grafts utilize Samaritan’s proprietary RETAIN processing technology that was developed by our tissue engineers in our state-of-the-art research facility housed at CUBEINC (Clemson University Biomedical Engineering Incubator) in Greenville, South Carolina. This unique process results in perinatal tissue grafts that retain more of the naturally occurring components using less destructive cleaning and processing techniques. Samaritan’s SMART packaging has a built-in wound care ruler, window to confirm graft size and sterility, and takes up less space resulting in lower shipping costs, smaller in office storage space requirements, and less overall environmental impact.

During the remainder of 2022, following CMS’s approval of the Q-Code, Samaritan invested in a robust reimbursement hub including establishment of WAC pricing via Redbook recognized by all MACs, IVR clearance process and phone support to enable clinics to quickly assess if their patients qualify for our grafts.

Samaritan also engaged the Washington DC based legal firm of Hogan Lovells, the most respected regulatory and compliance firm in the life sciences field, to develop compliant contracts for individual practices and independent distributors and review all aspects of our business for PHI compliance.

Due to the complex reimbursement environment within the Wound Care market, Samaritan has been exceptionally diligent in developing the right graft, as well as choosing the right processing, regulatory, and reimbursement professionals to guide us into this exciting market.

In 2023, Samaritan plans to expand our distribution footprint and wound care graft portfolio to allow us to continue Helping, Healing and Giving.

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241 Germantown Bend Cove | Cordova, TN 38018 | (901) 254-8393

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